Borderline inappropriate, until you find out that this post is about shots...
Hudson had his two month old check up on Monday. He was 10 lbs, 13 oz. and 22.25" long. he had three shots, and one "shot" orally. We gave him tylenol like 10 minutes before he had them. They gave him the shots, he cried. After only about 20 seconds, he stopped, and fell into a deep sleep. We've never seen him fall asleep so fast! He's still a little grumpy some, but for the most part he's a trooper. He's also around the 4-month stage on his developmental skills, so he's pretty smart (and advanced!).
He's also on his second week of going to day care. He's doing just fine there, but when I bring him home, it is hit or miss. There have been a couple nights where he has cried for at least an hour straight and I feel so helpless. I try everything. Feeding him, changing him, rocking him, putting him in his bouncy, swing, floor, just holding him, putting him on his tummy. You name it, nothing helps really until mommy gets home. She saves the day again! Other than the few times that's happened, he's handled it really well, and so have his parents!
Other than that, we've been pretty busy around here since Mel went back to work, and there doesn't seem to be a slow-down in sight. Seems like we have something going every weekend from now until Christmas. I guess that's just how it goes...
On a side note...I tip my cap to the Minnesota Twins for a great season. It's too bad it had to end the way it did tonight, but they did a LOT better than everyone anticipated, me included. Now I feel like I'm in high school again, and I've had a girlfriend (the twins) with whom I've spend every night with the past 6 months, and now we just broke up, and its summer time, so I won't see her again until next year.
Bummer...but bravo twins. Bravo.
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