It has been awhile. I am trying, really I am. It's just that when I'm on the computer, I don't think about updating my blog. I do, however, check about every day and see if anyone has left any comments about my posts, and it's the same every time. - 0 comments - Bummer.
It's been so long, I haven't even blogged about our exciting weekend we had! We had some visitors two weekends ago. Mr. Robert Waddell, his wife Valerie and their adorable son, Grady, came to visit! I've uploaded a few pictures from their visit below! We went out to eat, and just hung out! It was a great time!
An update on Hudson James. We took him to his day care today to get all the loose ends tied up, find out what to bring, etc. It was nice to see the environment he would be in, the people who would be watching him, etc. It definately made me more comfortable seeing the room in the middle of the day filled with children, just like mine, getting cared for and attended to. I'm sure it won't make the first day that I drop him off there any easier, but it definately made me feel better. I'm not looking forward to that day (its next Tuesday, by the way) but I trust that the people at Go Kids! Daycare at Church of the Gate will take excellent care of our little boy.
In other Hudson news, he went to the doctor on Friday because he has had signs of reflux. He's spitting up, gagging and just not sleeping very well on his back, so we decided to get him checked out. Turns out, it is reflux, so no he is on some medication (peppermint flavored, of all things they flavor children's medicine, its possibly the worst, he hates it!) to help the reflux.
I think that's it for now...
nothing like complaing about not getting comments to get you some! but hey, i do try to leave them from time to time! and i def would have anyway for this one because "holy crap! bob's got a son too! haven't heard from him in a while, so say hey for me."
Ok - here goes our first comment: We check the blog everyday just to see if there are new cute pictures and comments from you. We know it will be tough next week the first time you take Hudson to daycare. They'll take good care of him...tell them they better or they will have to answer to Gramma and Grampa too :)
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