Yesterday marked a couple firsts, both involving cold.
First of all, it was the first day for South Dakota residents pheasant season. YES! I couldn't go out yesterday, but went out today. It was nice to get out again (this year with Kaia, my yellow lab). You would think with a dog that I would have better luck. Not so much.
I do think the weather had most to do with that, however. We did just get I think over 2 inches of rain in the past couple days, and it was raining on and off all day long, while the sky remained overcast all day long. This is what I blame our lack of success on. I went out with Kaia and my friend Moose. It was his first time out pheasant hunting. I wanted to show him how it works, etc. (even thought its only my second season hunting) to the best of my ability. I didn't do so well as we didn't even see a pheasant. Not walking, not driving, nowhere. I did flush one up in the middle of some trees, heard it fly, but didn't see it. Neither did Moose. Or Kaia. So it's like it wasn't even there. Oh well, it was Kaia's first time too. She still isn't quite sure what she's doing. There's plenty of season left!
Secondly, Hudson (whom you're probably reading this blog for anymore anyway...) came down with the sniffles. Yes, his first cold. We feel bad for him, but it is inevitable as long as he is going to daycare (we think that's where he got it). Poor little guy. He's still in good spirits however, and sleeps ok still, just sounds awful. Still full of smiles and sounds. I want to just put a tissue over his nose, and tell him to blow, but he's just not old enough to know what a tissue is, let alone how to blow his nose into it. He also had a slight fever, nothing to write home to, or probably in this blog, oh well, I already wrote it! He's getting better already I think, though. And that's that!
My mom and I have been working on his Halloween costume and I'm very excited to share it all with you, but you'll have to wait! Its pretty much the best costume ever! Stay tuned for pictures of it! Until then, here are a few new ones!

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