Once again, I am a couple days late on the big holidays... Of course, we have been busy, and our internet has been on the fritz so it has been difficult to get on here and type away. I don't really remember where I left off, but I'm sure we still had at least one Christmas to attend. All were amazing! It was great to see all of our family, and have a great time, and of course, show off Hudson! He's getting so big! Santa got him a jumper which he loves, and is starting to almost jump in it! He still loves sticking everything in his mouth, so watch out! We had him eating rice cereal until today (it was giving him some digestional blockage, if you know what I mean). Now he has oatmeal, and he absolutely LOVES it. He is also rolling over like clockwork (from his tummy to his back) in literally seconds every time he's put on his tummy, but can't quite get it from his back to tummy. He can sit pretty good, too. We usually have the boppy pillow around him for stabilization and safety, but he doesn't necessarily need it. We're so proud of him!
Lets see....I guess that's about it for now...One of these days I'll put up another video, but for now, here's some new pics...
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