Well, I think I took my own Christmas break, a month too early. I haven't had a post since Thanksgiving time! We've had plenty going on, so I apologize for not getting anything new on here!
Where to start...we'll just talk about Hudson, ok? He has gotten so big lately, it is scary! (Not like fat, just growing like a weed, and doing so many more things) Last week, we decided to start him on rice cereal! Yah! He had been showing so much interest in what we were eating/drinking so we decided it was time to try it. Of course he didn't really get it at first, but now he at least is opening his mouth a little for the spoon, and swallowing the rice cereal. It is pretty exciting!
The beginning of this month, we had Christmas in the Twin Cities with my family. (I know, pretty early, eh? Just how I like it!) Hudson got tons of great toys from everyone. He was really excited! He also got a swing to hang in a tree in our backyard since there isn't any parks nearby, which should be very fun! I won't name everything he got (for fear I'd probably forget something), but he got some great stuff! Thank you to everyone for his (and our) gifts.
Let's see, this past weekend he figured out how to make a noise by blowing air out his lips, while blowing spit-bubbles, know what I mean? Ya, he can do that now, and he does it quite a bit! It is really cute!
He has also been quite fussy the past week, always clingy and whiny, not really crying, not napping very good, not sleeping very good, off-and-on fevers, etc. Well we found out today that he has another double ear infection! Poor guy! He had seemed irritated, but nothing intense enough that we would have thought he was in pain! We feel really bad that it took us that long to figure it out, but I could tell today when I got home from work that he was feeling better already!
We had our little family Christmas last night, because Mel has to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and because we couldn't wait any longer! Santa brought Hudson a Baby Einstein Jumper, and boy was it fun to put together, pause....Not! (Catch that Borat reference?) He seems to like it already though, which is good. He doesn't put his feet down on the ground, though, so he just looks like he's flying when he sits in it. He also got some clothes and books and things.
And I got a ladder from Mel, so I can hang his swing in the spring! Yahoo! And she got a much-deserved purse (or bag, whatever you want to call it) from Coach. I totally caught her off-guard! HA!
Well, I probably won't post again until after Christmas actually gets here later this week, so Merry Christmas to all, and all a good night!
(I just realized how much I put things in parenthesis, I cannot help it, I like them!)
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