August 04, 2008

Bye Bye Blankie, Hello New Job!

Today, we officially got to take the biliblanket back to the home medical store! His bilirubin levels are dropping, and now he's old enough (9 days) to get rid of the rest of the jaundice by himself. Mel also took him shopping for the first time since he didn't have to be plugged in. They went to Old Navy! (Unfortunately he's still too small for any of their clothes)

And now for something completely different...

I have a new job! Starting two weeks from today, I'll be working in Sioux Falls! I got a job with Dakota Beverage as a graphic designer. I'll be designing banners, signs, table tents, etc. for their clients, promoting their products they distribute (Coors Light, Miller Lite, Boulevard, etc.) I am super stoked! So on that note, let's all have a beer!

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