August 06, 2008

30th Post = 1,000 Hits?

I have to be honest. I had no idea when I started this blog that there would be so many people that read it. I know the number is skewed a little because any one person can go to my blog 10 times a day for 10 days straight and, well you can do the math, but still! I'm approaching 1,000 hits and have only been blogging since June 6th! To me, that seems amazing! So I say thank you to those who read my words. They (my words) mean a lot to me, so it means a lot that people actually care what I have to share with the world.

Now back to your regular scheduled programming...

We are still happily off the Biliblanket, Hudson included! I'm sure he enjoys not having a bright, heat-producing light strapped to his back at all times. I know we enjoy not having to "plug him in" whereever he goes. He has his two week check-up on Friday. They are doing another bilirubin level then to make sure that his body is taking care of the jaundice on its own. I'll post how it goes!

Here are some pictures I wanted to post with my last post, but I kept getting a strange error. So, here they are!

1 comment:

DavidWage said...

have you checked out i have the counter on my page which records everytime the page is accessed and refreshed, but you can subscribe to feedburner for free and it will tell you realtime stats of how many people a day are looking at your page, where they're located at (i'm getting views from london, germany, canada, australia, and everywhere in between), and who's subscribing.

p.s. the radio station i work for is sending me to KC on saturday for the Royals Twins game. So I'll be watching the game from the press box. just thought you should know.