May 04, 2009

Lots to catch up on...

Well, it has been quite some time since I actually wrote a blog entry, but things have gotten a little more busy around here since it's getting warmer out, etc, and a little more exciting! I'll try and keep this as short as possible..but there's a lot...

First off, in case you weren't aware, we were looking for a new home for my yellow lab, Kaia. With everything going on in my life, I just didn't have the time or energy to commit to a high-energy outside dog. I decided she needed to be out in the country, where she could just run free, chase rabbits around for hours, and just lay around in the sun, because being in the kennel all day was just not working for her. I wasn't a bad owner, I just felt my time with her wasn't near the amount of time she needed, and it wasn't fair to her.

Well that search came to an end with a Craigslist ad I posted a couple weeks ago. I was about ready to just give up the search, or at least start posting flyers around town or something. It just wasn't working. I got a couple calls, but nothing ever panned out.

I got an email from someone who had some questions about her. We talked on the phone one afternoon, and their situation was perfect for her! They were looking for a dog for their acreage that would chase away rabbits and deer that came close to their newly planted trees, on top of just wanting a family farm dog. PERFECT! So we exchanged emails with questions and answers for a week or so, and they said they'd like to meet her. I was so excited, the perfect situation for her was going to work!

They came on a rainy afternoon last week, which wasn't the greatest of conditions. After more questions and playing with her a little, they said they needed some time to think about it, because they really wanted an Irish Setter. Mel and I both had a bad feeling about it after they said they wanted a couple of days to decide. Not more than two days later, he called me with an offer for her and all her stuff! We negociated a price and the deal was made! I was so excited for her, yet terribly sick and saddened at the same time. I had to keep thinking to myself that their house was where she was meant to be. After all, I had had her since she was only a couple weeks old. She was like my kid or something.

He came yesterday (Sunday) afternoon to pick her up along with all her stuff. It was, and still is, like I sent a child away to college. They keep me up-to-date with emails of how she is doing, what they are doing with her, etc. It is REALLY nice of them. I didn't sleep very well at all last night, just wondering how she was adjusting to her new home. Sounds like it went pretty well, considering all she's been through. We had some great times, she was an EXCELLENT dog, and I'll never forget her. All in all, it was the best thing that has ever happened to her, and for that, I am extremely happy for her, and her new family.

Now, *sniff* I'll tell you some happy news. Hudson is crawling!!!! Finally, the little guy decided he knew how, and isn't doing it a lot, but anything is enough! I pulls himself around on the floor a lot more than he crawls, but he has it figured out!

AND he has two teeth...

Also, he is pointing at everything, which is really cute. And he shakes his head "no" all the time, and I think he is actually trying to dance, not say "no". It is super cute as well!!

He loves being in our front window as well, pulling the curtain out of the way so he can see out, and just staring out at the neighborhood. He could do it all day long if we let him I think!

We also took him to his first Twins game a few weeks ago. He loved it! He just looked around at everyone and everything and was not crabby at all!
We're taking him again Memorial Day Weekend to a night game, hopefully he won't be crabby at this once since it starts around his bedtime....

I guess that's it for now, he's growing up so fast!

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