It has been a little while since my last post. I apologize. Again. But I have exciting news! Yesterday we were in Rock Valley for Hudson's 3-month pictures and family portraits, which turned out great! (If you want to see them, contact me and I'll give you the website and password) We came home after lunch so Mel could get some sleep as she had to work overnight last night. Well, shortly after she fell asleep, I decided to give Hudson some tummy time. Within seconds, he was propped up on his side, and then rolled over! I couldn't get the camera fast enough, but I knew he was going to do it! I woke Mel up and she was excited, I told her to come watch, cause it happened so fast. I layed him on his blanket again, and sure enough within seconds he was over onto his back. He did it one more time, then I decided to try and videotape him, and ever since, he hasn't done it again. :( Oh well, when I get video of him rolling over I'll add it!
Enjoy your Sunday!
Oh, and we put Hudson in a pumpkin for Halloween. Here is a pic! It was too cute!
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