July 08, 2008

Prepared for childbirth

Mel and I finished our Prepared Childbirth Class last night, 6 weeks of preparing us for childbirth and newborn care. It was very helpful and I must admit I feel a lot more "prepared" now than I did 6 weeks ago. I am not saying this whole thing will be a piece of cake, I know it won't be, but I do think I am ready for the twists and turns the coming weeks will take. Our class was well worth the money we paid to take it!

I think that is the last installment of preparation (organized) that we have planned besides finishing my "The Expectant Father" book (I'm almost done!) Now we just have to wait for our son's birthday. We can't wait to meet him!

So the final countdown begins, less than a month to Mel's due date...

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