July 25, 2008

Murder Trial

Starting this week in little old Luverne, MN is a murder trial, first ever in Rock County. Things have been a little crazier around the newspaper office the past couple weeks.

We've been working on adding video content to our website and what more perfect time to take the bull by the horns. Andrew, my co-worker and I went to the court house this morning and take a short video of Randy Swaney, the man accused of murdering 20-year-old Carrie Nelson in the Blue Mounds State Park in 2001, going into the court house. It was one of the most eerie feelings I have ever felt before. I've never been (to my knowledge) within a stone's throw of a "murderer" (innocent until proven guilty, I guess), and it was CREEPY.

I'm anxious to see the whole trial pan out, they are still selecting jurors at this moment (my other co-worker Chantel got dismissed from jury duty since she works at the newspaper). We're going to be keeping up with the trial on our website, so if you're interested check it out. (Andrew and I have also started doing movie reviews, so check them out!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, that guy is really, REALLY creepy looking.


Andy @ bloginyourface.com