July 19, 2008

Grab Bag!

Renfro Variety Store is a knick-knack store in Luverne where I work. It is owned by a 90-something year old woman who knows everyone, and if she doesn't know you, she finds out your story on the first meeting. I was out-and-about in Luverne yesterday doing some photography for work.

My co-worker and I stopped by at Renfro since I had never been in it, and one of the first things I see as I walk in is a box filled with smaller boxes. It says on the larger box, "Grab Bags $.10". My first thought is "This box itself is probably worth a dime, so I'm already ahead!" I picked out two boxes, the first was the heaviest out of all of them, and also the smallest. The second was just random. I waited until we got back to the office to reveal my prizes. I gave my other co-worker Andrew the rundown, and the first choice of which box he would open.

He chose the smaller, heavier box. I told him fine, I think it's just a bar of soap. First, he pulls out some ribbon. Then, sure enough, a purple bar of soap. Then some more ribbon and some stickers.

Then it was my turn, I was certain there would be an old greeting card in it, among other things. I was wrong. I got a smaller bar of soap, a crocheted heart-shaped magnet, a small, white lace curtain of some sort, a longer, green lace curtain of some sort, a long strand of red lace, and some more stickers.

It was a great investment!

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