July 30, 2008

Finally Home!

Hudson James and crew (me and Mel) finally got to go home yesterday morning! We had some help from Grandma Kris when we got home, she made some food, did some cleaning up, laundry, etc. She was a lifesaver! It's amazing how little a newborn does, and how exhausting it is at the same time!

If you didn't know, he has jaundice, and that is why we had been in the hospital until yesterday. His bilirubin levels had been lowering consistently, so they discharged him. We had another check-up today, and they went up again, so he has to stay on his bili-blanket until Friday :(. It's not too serious, but it's frustrating.

Other than that, all he really does is eat, sleep & poop (and occasionally cry). He is my favorite. =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! He is a handsome little guy!

I am so sorry to hear of his jaundice. I hadn't ever heard of that in infants before so I just HAD to Wikipedia it really quick. It says that it will go away either by day 8 or 14, so that's good, right?