May 19, 2009
Dancing & Clapping!
Here's Hudson watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Playhouse Disney the other morning. He was dancing and clapping and making all sorts of sounds! It was really funny! This isn't the best representation of his excitement as I missed the best part and rewound the DVR to see if he'd do it again. He did, just not as into it as the first time...
Here's a video (poor quality at that, for that I apologize) of Hudson crawling across the floor!
May 04, 2009
Lots to catch up on...
Well, it has been quite some time since I actually wrote a blog entry, but things have gotten a little more busy around here since it's getting warmer out, etc, and a little more exciting! I'll try and keep this as short as possible..but there's a lot...
First off, in case you weren't aware, we were looking for a new home for my yellow lab, Kaia. With everything going on in my life, I just didn't have the time or energy to commit to a high-energy outside dog. I decided she needed to be out in the country, where she could just run free, chase rabbits around for hours, and just lay around in the sun, because being in the kennel all day was just not working for her. I wasn't a bad owner, I just felt my time with her wasn't near the amount of time she needed, and it wasn't fair to her.
Well that search came to an end with a Craigslist ad I posted a couple weeks ago. I was about ready to just give up the search, or at least start posting flyers around town or something. It just wasn't working. I got a couple calls, but nothing ever panned out.
I got an email from someone who had some questions about her. We talked on the phone one afternoon, and their situation was perfect for her! They were looking for a dog for their acreage that would chase away rabbits and deer that came close to their newly planted trees, on top of just wanting a family farm dog. PERFECT! So we exchanged emails with questions and answers for a week or so, and they said they'd like to meet her. I was so excited, the perfect situation for her was going to work!
They came on a rainy afternoon last week, which wasn't the greatest of conditions. After more questions and playing with her a little, they said they needed some time to think about it, because they really wanted an Irish Setter. Mel and I both had a bad feeling about it after they said they wanted a couple of days to decide. Not more than two days later, he called me with an offer for her and all her stuff! We negociated a price and the deal was made! I was so excited for her, yet terribly sick and saddened at the same time. I had to keep thinking to myself that their house was where she was meant to be. After all, I had had her since she was only a couple weeks old. She was like my kid or something.
He came yesterday (Sunday) afternoon to pick her up along with all her stuff. It was, and still is, like I sent a child away to college. They keep me up-to-date with emails of how she is doing, what they are doing with her, etc. It is REALLY nice of them. I didn't sleep very well at all last night, just wondering how she was adjusting to her new home. Sounds like it went pretty well, considering all she's been through. We had some great times, she was an EXCELLENT dog, and I'll never forget her. All in all, it was the best thing that has ever happened to her, and for that, I am extremely happy for her, and her new family.
Now, *sniff* I'll tell you some happy news. Hudson is crawling!!!! Finally, the little guy decided he knew how, and isn't doing it a lot, but anything is enough! I pulls himself around on the floor a lot more than he crawls, but he has it figured out!
AND he has two teeth...
Also, he is pointing at everything, which is really cute. And he shakes his head "no" all the time, and I think he is actually trying to dance, not say "no". It is super cute as well!!
He loves being in our front window as well, pulling the curtain out of the way so he can see out, and just staring out at the neighborhood. He could do it all day long if we let him I think!
We also took him to his first Twins game a few weeks ago. He loved it! He just looked around at everyone and everything and was not crabby at all!
We're taking him again Memorial Day Weekend to a night game, hopefully he won't be crabby at this once since it starts around his bedtime....
I guess that's it for now, he's growing up so fast!
April 25, 2009
April 01, 2009
March 26, 2009
Roller Coaster
Well the last two weeks have been interesting to say the least....Hudson had another double ear infection, so he was a real happy camper for awhile. We took him to the doctor after he lost his appetite and was generally fussy. Bingo, we should know by now exactly when he has one of those!
Then, during his infection, we had been thinking that he ACTUALLY was teething. (We have been thinking he was teething since he was 2-months old) So to add to his pain and suffering, he was cutting teeth (or so we thought we had finally figured it out.)
THEN, he spiked a fever of 103.8 on Sunday night and was not sleeping at all, so we thought his ear infection was back, and took him in on Monday. His ears looked fine (phew!) but he had come down with a viral infection of some kind, and we just had to rotate Tylenol and Motrin to keep him comfortable and his fever down.
We made Hudson's first trip to Aurelia this past weekend and he had a lot of fun playing outside and riding in the stroller (it was 74 degrees out or so). He has been quite a trooper through all of this. For the most part during the day you can't tell he's sick. It is at night that he is miserable, and so are his parents :(
THEN, Wednesday night during his bath, we noticed that he has a tooth coming in, and it was cut all the way through! How exciting! Hopefully now that it has cut through, he will sleep a little better!
Then, during his infection, we had been thinking that he ACTUALLY was teething. (We have been thinking he was teething since he was 2-months old) So to add to his pain and suffering, he was cutting teeth (or so we thought we had finally figured it out.)
THEN, he spiked a fever of 103.8 on Sunday night and was not sleeping at all, so we thought his ear infection was back, and took him in on Monday. His ears looked fine (phew!) but he had come down with a viral infection of some kind, and we just had to rotate Tylenol and Motrin to keep him comfortable and his fever down.
We made Hudson's first trip to Aurelia this past weekend and he had a lot of fun playing outside and riding in the stroller (it was 74 degrees out or so). He has been quite a trooper through all of this. For the most part during the day you can't tell he's sick. It is at night that he is miserable, and so are his parents :(
THEN, Wednesday night during his bath, we noticed that he has a tooth coming in, and it was cut all the way through! How exciting! Hopefully now that it has cut through, he will sleep a little better!
March 16, 2009
Swing! Swing!
March 11, 2009
Welcome Anna Kay!
For those of you who haven't heard, my sister Melissa and her husband Chad welcomed a new addition to the Stambaugh family this past weekend. Anna Kay was born Saturday night at 10:42 pm. She was 6 lbs 10 oz and was 19.5" long.
Mel, Hudson and I were hanging out at the mall in Sioux Falls on Saturday afternoon when my mom called and said Melissa was in the hospital because her water broke. We decided to pack up and leave shortly after, so we grabbed our suitcase and all of Hudson's necessities and hit the road by 3 pm. We made pretty good time (having to stop for feedings and diaper changes) and made our way to the hospital around 7. We made it with plenty of time to spare, her contractions were just getting painful. :)
The rest, you could say, is history, and now Haylie is a big sister! Congratulations Melissa, Chad, Haylie and Reagan on your new addition to your family!
February 19, 2009
It seems that, as of today, our little guy has figured out how to say a few syllables. From what I heard of out of him tonight, he said "Ga" "Ba" "Deh" and maybe a few others, but no "Ma" yet (sorry Mel). I tried to capture him in the act, and you can kind of hear one or two after he drops the first toy on the ground! It's pretty exciting around here!
February 07, 2009
Family Fun Night

Last night, Mel, Hudson and I went to the Avera Fitness Center (where Mel is a member) for Family Fun Night. We decided that since Hudson is 6-months old now, and that he loves baths, that it was time to take him swimming! We got everything ready to go and were off.
We slowly worked him into the water, starting on the steps. He didn't seem to get it at first, then I got in the water and started swimming and splashing around. He noticed, but still didn't get it. We finally got him all the way in the water, jumping up and down with him in our arms, and he started to have a good time. He turned out to really enjoy it! We took some pictures and video of him in the pool and they were really cute! Then, not thinking at ALL, I took the camera in with me to the locker room....
There was a locker room worker that jumped me right away. "Is that a camera?" "Yes," I said, "I was taking pictures of my son." He then asked me very sternly where I was taking pictures, who I was taking them of, etc. etc. then it dawned on me...Camera + Locker Room + Naked People = Baaaad Sitation. He then explained how I could have taken pictures that I shouldn't have, then uploaded them on the Internet and ruined people's lives. Doh! I can't believe I didn't think of that being an issue. I offered to show that all I had pictures of was my son swimming for the first time. He said he trusted me. So I went on my way, showered, changed and we left.
When we got home, I went to look at the pictures and watch the video, and mysteriously, the memory card was empty. Not a single picture was on it! I'm not sure if it was a fluke, or if there was some sort of security device that erased it at the fitness center, either way, we don't have any pictures or video to show :(. So that's my story of Family Fun Night...
January 28, 2009
RSV......dum dum dum!
Hudson had his 6-month well-child check-up yesterday. He is doing great in all his developmental/social milestones. He's keeping up with his growth (even though he had lost some weight since his last check-up, he's been sick). He was 15 lbs. 2 oz. Then he listened to his breathing, and decided he sounded a little wheezy.
He had been to the doctor the week before cause he was sick with a fever/cough, and there was a few RSV cases at daycare, so we had him checked out, only to find out it was just a cold. He started to get a little better, but was still coughing, and started to sound a little wheezy so we decided to just wait until his 6-month check.
Anyway, back to the check-up. Dr. wanted to suction him out to see if that would help. It didn't, so they did the RSV test and checked his oxygen levels. Then they gave him a nebulizer treatment (its basically a giant inhaler with a fun little dinosaur mask). The RSV results came back from the lab positive, so now we have to do the nebulizer treatment a couple times a day to help him breathe. He wasn't showing any signs of discomfort or trouble breathing, so we weren't too concerned about it, and neither was his Dr. Hopefully he gets over it soon!
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